Cracking React JS Interview

khirshanth M
1 min readJun 9, 2021

This is the part of cracking Frontend Developer Interview which covers the most frequently asked on React js concepts.

Questions asked on ReactJs:

  1. Why React is so popular?
  2. How Virtual DOM works.Expalin in Detail?
  3. What is Observer pattern?
  4. Difference between class components and functional components.
  5. What is render prop pattern?
  6. What is JSX?
  7. What are synthetic events?
  8. What is DOM manipulation and what makes it slow?
  9. What is context API?
  10. How can we avoid prop drilling?
  11. How to prevent re-renders on React functional components?
  12. Difference between state and ref?
  13. what is a reducer?
  14. what is side effect cleanup in React?
  15. Explain Lifecycle methods?
  16. What are error boundaries in ReactJs?
  17. How to handle asynchronous calls?
  18. Difference between <a> tag and <Link> tag?
  19. Difference between useCallback and useMemo?
  20. Explain higher-order component?

Top places to learn Reactjs Online:

  1. React(Official Website)
  2. Try to implement Reactjs advanced concepts in you project

Happy Coding :)



khirshanth M

Front End Developer working in a service based company. very grateful to share my knowledge. (Run like JS)